The Classes.

What is a Gateless Writing Session?

Each week, whether in person or on Zoom, your small curated group will experience the power of meditation to drop you into your body and a word prompt to trigger beautiful memories that will spark your creative and passion to write.


The Classic

A maximum of 5 people

 Your innate and potentially astonishing storytelling ability will flow onto the page with a rediscovered confidence, passion and trust in all areas of your life. You will build new friendships and be welcomed into the power of the Gateless community.

Love Lab

One couple per class.

Be intentional and proactive in elevating the romance, deepening your connection and igniting more passion in your relationship. This unique approach focuses on what has worked in your journey together.


Create Your Own

For your friends or family, a custom class that adds to the list of shared experiences with those you cherish. Grow the connection, communication, respect, appreciation and quality of interaction amongst the people to whom you devote the most energy and time.

For scheduling private sessions, please email or