About Gateless.



Gateless is a methodology that expands happiness across your life by making space for your creativity and wisdom to surface.

This is a path to manifesting joy, passion and human connection. The tools you develop will enable you to elevate your relationships, confidence and self worth.

Each session, we will use meditation, prompt words and writing to open neural pathways that tend to keep us stuck in old habits and energy. When the brain is in this state, criticism and judgement fall away and we are able to reach our highest potential.


“Where We Focus, We Grow.”

  • We build up rather than deconstruct

  • We mirror what is powerful rather than criticize

  • We create a container of safety rather than competition

  • We build a community that deepens relationship with others and yourself

  • We remove counter-productive habits such as “fix”, “suggest”, or “recommend”.

  • We will use a constructive set of guidelines to ensure safety, structure and impact.

The idea that creative expression can make a powerful contribution to the healing process has been embraced by many different cultures. Throughout recorded history, people have used pictures, stories, dances and chants as healing rituals. Expressive writing is one of the most effective ways to heal.  

About Us


Stacey Duran

I have always loved writing, but have kept most of my work in a journal that l I have had since middle school. It was not until I was introduced to the Gateless method that I understood the true power of writing. Each class is a heart-opening, healing experience that unblocks memories and my stories seem to flow onto the page.

The benefits of Gateless writing continue to overflow into all areas of my life. Gateless strengthens my friendships, marriage, parenting, emotional wellness and spiritual connection. It has been a soulful gift that I am excited to share with others.

xo, Stacey

💌 stacey@gatelesscollective.com


Jessica Taylor

I am a musician, wife, mother, and eternal self improvement seeker, but never considered myself a writer. When Stacey asked me to join one of her Gateless sessions I was intrigued. I realized immediately this was more than just an opportunity to sharpen my writing skills.

The effects of Gateless writing show up in all areas of my life and have created meaningful change. This was something I needed to share with those around me, so I pursued my certification in the Gateless writing method.  I look forward to being a facilitator for others to see positive changes in their lives.

xo, Jess

💌 jessica@thegatelesscollective.com